Why We Exist

From personal stories to collective positive change

Our ‘Why’

Launched on March 2020, We Belong Europe supports women to lead as accountable and effective leaders.

We recognise that young women will face sexism, hate, and various intersectional challenges in their quest for representation and to drive change. That's why we offer leadership development support through our PowHer program, coupled with ongoing mental health assistance, community support, and spaces for retreat to nurture sound decision-making and resilience in a world that often displays hostility towards women seeking leadership roles.

Our Story

There are many women that inspire us, they can inspire you too.

At the initiator of We Belong, Yasmine drew inspiration from the personal experiences and challenges faced by many, including her needing to take legal action against a Far-right Presidential candidate in France. This occurred after she was recognised as the Young European of the Year in 2019, as the politician had illegally used her picture to falsely implying that she didn't belong to Europe.

This distressing incident, which resulted in hundreds of people directing hate towards Yasmine, leading to depression, not only dissuaded her from viewing politics as a catalyst for change but also reinforced our belief that it is insufficient to merely encourage women, gender minorities, and BIPOC to assume responsibilities and public leadership roles without acknowledging that they will be disproportionately affected by the hostility associated with these positions.

Launched in 2020, We Belong is a bold statement for inclusion. We transformed a personal, painful moment into a positive message for others, embodying the core principle of turning stigma into strength at the heart of We Belong's mission.

We also believe that change and inspiration occur when personal stories are shared.

Therefore, through our podcast, we have been amplifying the voices of more than 40 women from over 15 countries in Europe, including entrepreneurs, artists, activists, a former Minister and a football star. Our PowHer Program cohort benefits 20 young women per year and we aim at reaching 1000 women by 2030 through our trainings, events and podcast features. Additionally, we plan on opening more doors for people in our society affected by hidden disabilities.

“We People of Color, Daughters and Sons of Immigrants, European Citizens,
We Belong,
We Belong to Europe”
— Yasmine Ouirhrane, Europe Talks Zeit 2019.